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3 Potential Problems Of Having Floating Debris In Your Swimming Pool

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If you have a swimming pool on your home property, keeping the chemicals balanced is essential for ensuring that the water is safe for your family. However, another potential risk lies in the debris floating around in your pool, such as leaves or surface algae. Below are three problems that could result from the floating debris in your swimming pool.

Clogs up Pool Filters

One problem with having any type of debris floating around in your swimming pool is that the leaves and grass trimmings will eventually be sucked up by the pool's filtration system. If the filtration system becomes blocked, it cannot perform its job of removing microbes and dirt from your swimming pool's water.

The larger pieces of debris cover the filters, making it difficult for water to pass so it can be cleaned. While you can easily pull these larger pieces of organic matter off the outer filter faces, the smaller ones can get trapped inside the tiny spaces. Also, some of the clippings and leaf materials could reach the filter itself. 

If this happens, the filter may become sluggish. If left inside the filter too long, the motor may burn up completely, making it necessary for you to either have the filter repaired or replaced.

Provides Breeding Ground for Bacteria

Another problem with floating debris in your swimming pool is that the organic matter provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. When leaves and grass start to rot, the leftover material gives bacteria the food and moisture they need to thrive.

When bacteria start growing on the debris, they can eventually contaminate the water supply of your entire swimming pool. This contamination could make you or one of your loved ones sick, either by infecting a cut on the skin or leading to a gastrointestinal illness if the water is accidentally ingested.

Even if you have a filtration system and regularly treat your pool with chemicals, the extra uptick in the bacteria population in the water may overpower these actions. And, if the filtration system is contaminated, as discussed in the previous section, the filters will not be able to remove the bacteria.

In fact, the filters may provide even more organic material on which the bacteria can feed. This water is then circulated in your pool, leading to a greater risk of illness when you and your family use the pool.

Gives Algae a Surface to Grow On

Especially if your pool is in direct sunlight, you may take measures to keep algae from growing on the surface. You may be careful about adding chlorine and testing the pH balance of the water to ensure that it is not conducive to growth.

However, if you have grass, leaves, and other organic matter floating on the surface, this debris may help the algae grow. Since the decomposing matter throws the pH off of the water and disturbs the filtration system, you may find that you have more algae.

Also, if the debris mixes in with any existing algae, it provides a ready food source for the slimy plants. As the debris collects, more of the algae grows. Then, this thick growth traps more leaves and grass, creating a cycle that could have your pool's surface covered with a yucky mess.

To keep the above issues from happening, you should remove the debris from your pool's water with a net on a regular basis. Contact your pool contractor for recommendations on what swimming pool net to use, as well as to discuss further guidance on properly maintaining your pool so you can keep the water clean and healthy for you and your family.
